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Hermippus Redivivus : Or, the sage's triumph over old age and the grave. Wherein, a method I... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781170580257 List Price: $22.75
Hermippus Redivivus : Or, the sage's triumph over old age and the grave. Wherein a method Is... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781140789956 List Price: $26.75
Hermippus Redivivus : Or, the Sage's triumph over old age and the grave. Wherein, a method I... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781140789963 List Price: $26.75
Hermippus Redivivus : Or, the sage's triumph over old age and the grave. Wherein, a method I... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781140985938 List Price: $20.75
Hermippus Redivivus: Or, the Sage's Triumph Over Old Age and Te Grave, Wherein, a Method Is ... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781144169167 List Price: $23.75
Lumen Novum Phosphoris Accensum (1717) (Latin Edition) by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781104996840 List Price: $33.95
Hermippus Redivivus; Or, the Sage's Triumph Over Old Age and Te Grave, Wherein, a Method Is ... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9780217157520 List Price: $14.93
Lumen Novum Phosphoris Accensum (1717) (Latin Edition) by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781120089229 List Price: $48.95
Der Schatzgrber in Den Literarischen Und Bildlichen Seltenheiten, Sonderbarkeiten &c., Haupt... by Düntzer, Heinrich, Cohausen... ISBN: 9781144457196 List Price: $45.75
Raptus Ecstaticus In Montem Parnassum, In Eoque Visus Satyrorum Lusus Cum Nasis Tabacopropho... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781104939595 List Price: $37.95
Raptus Ecstaticus In Montem Parnassum, In Eoque Visus Satyrorum Lusus Cum Nasis Tabacopropho... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781104896324 List Price: $22.95
Hermippus Redivivus (Volume 1); Or, the Sage's Triumph Over Old Age and Te Grave, Wherein, a... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781154368017 List Price: $9.17
Hermippus Redivivus; Or, the Sage's Triumph Over Old Age and the Grave. Wherein, a Method Is... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781154306798 List Price: $9.17
Hermippus Redivivus: Or, the Sage's Triumph Over Old Age and the Grave ... (Latin Edition) by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781145147355 List Price: $20.75
Hermippus Redivivus : Or the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave V1 by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich, ... ISBN: 9781168802354 List Price: $25.56
Hermippus Redivivus : Or the Sage's Triumph over Old Age and the Grave V3 by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich, ... ISBN: 9781168802361 List Price: $25.56
Hermippus redivivus: or, the sage's triumph over old age and the grave. Wherein a method Is ... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781170772478 List Price: $20.75
Raptus Ecstaticus in Montem Parnassum, in Eoque Visus Satyrorum Lusus Cum Nasis Tabacopropho... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781166224202 List Price: $30.36
Lumen Novum Phosphoris Accensum by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781166320034 List Price: $27.16
Lumen Novum Phosphoris Accensum by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781166373832 List Price: $39.16
Tentaminum Decas de Vita Humana Prologand by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781173044015 List Price: $25.75
Hermippus Redivivus: Or, The Sage's Triumph Over Old Age And The Grave [by J.h. Cohausen, Tr... by Johann Heinrich Cohausen ISBN: 9781178962260 List Price: $27.75
Lucina Ruyschiana, Sive Musculus Uteri Orbicularis... (Latin Edition) by Johann Heinrich Cohausen, F... ISBN: 9781270992127 List Price: $20.75
Dissertatio Satyrica Physico-Medico-Moralis de Pica Nasi, Sive Tabaci Sternutatorii Moderno ... by Cohausen, Johann Heinrich ISBN: 9781246106121 List Price: $24.75
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